113 Pound preview


Emily Erickson is the daughter of Chris and Tara and the sister of Aiden, Ryan, Kyle, Sam, Alex, and Judd. Her favorite type of music depends on the day. Her favorite TV Show is Brooklyn 99. Emily's favorite movie is Ride Along and her favorite food is chicken fingers. If Emily was a Nascar driver, the sponsorship on her car would be Cane's. She is currently in her first year of college and came out for the sport because of the coaches and Bella Melecio. Emily's initial thoughts about wrestling was that "It is a difficult sport that requires a lot of hard work." She said that her friends that wrestle with her and her brother help drive her in the sport. Emily's goal this year is to get better everyday. She started as a manager on the team and loved going to the Bi-State tournament and managing there. In her future, Emily is excited to her progress in wrestling and plans to go to Winona State University for nursing. 

Bella Melecio is the daughter Jennifer and Bernado and the sister of Alex, Christina, and Tony. Her favorite band is the Lumineers, TV show is New Girl, movie is Avengers Endgame and favorite food is the cucumbers with lime and salt. If Bella was a Nascar driver, the sponsorship on her car would be the Lock and Dam Eatery.  This is her first year of wrestling and she got into the sport because of Emily Erickson and her family. Bella's first initial thoughts of the sport was "That it was hard and pushed your limits." She is excited to see where she will be physically at the end of the season. Bella's goals for this season is to stay healthy, both physically and mentally. Bella's favorite moment form wrestling was during her freshman year at the teams sections match when she fainted from over heating and was lying on the bleachers. Then Brady Schiller pinned the kid and brought the team to state and the environment was insane and everyone was so excited. Emily Erickson pulled her up out of excitement forgetting she just fainted it was a crazy experience. In her future, she is looking forward to making friends and cheering on her teammates. Bella is looking to attend college in Florida for applied behavior analysis or social work and Spanish.

Blake Beissel is the son of Chad and Becky and the brother of Trey and Ellie. His favorite music is country, TV Show is Outer Banks,  and movie is TMNT: Out of the Shadows. If Blake was a Nascar driver, the sponsorship on his car would be Coach Haneberg. Blake started practicing wrestling at 3 and competing when he was 5. The people who got him into the sport where is dad, uncles, and grandpa. His initial thoughts on the sport were that he loved it right away. Blake's goals for high school are to be a 3x State Champ and NCAA Champ. Blake's high school accomplishments include a state championship last season, 5th at state the year before, a Northern Plains championship, a 3x Northern Plains finalist, Fargo AA and Christmas Tournament runner up. Blake's favorite memory from Hastings Wrestling was taking 3rd place in K-6 NYWA and  during 5th grade year beating our rival TCU. Blake is excited to see how high of a ceiling our team has and for years to come as well. In his future, Blake plans to wrestle at the University of Minnesota starting Fall 2024

Ivy Brandenburg is the daughter of Mark and Angie and the sister of Eli and Silas. Her favorite music is anything from the 80s, TV Show is Family Guy, her favorite movie is Smile, and her favorite food is sushi.  If Ivy was a Nascar driver, the sponsorship on his car would be ghost energy or ghost lifestyle. Ivy started wrestling in 5th grade and she made the decision on her won but influenced by being around wrestling all the time because of her brothers and dad. One thing that Ivy likes about wrestling is the environment of people that work hard and push themselves. Her goal for this year is to get better each day and see where it takes me. Ivy's favorite memory from Hastings wrestling is when one of her matches had gone into overtime, and she wanted that one point to win so bad. The whistle blew, she snapped down her opponent down, and took spun around and got her two. There was huge up roar from her team as the ref raised her hand. This year, Ivy is so excited for the girls team. It’s great to see it grow from girls just having to join boys wrestling to have a girls team for two years. In the future, she is so excited to see how many girl wrestlers are in the future of Hastings wrestling.


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