Coach Luke Vaith

Coach Luke Vaith is a 2009 Hastings graduate. During high school, he was a 4x state place winner, winning a state title during his senior year. After high school, he attended Hofstra University on Long Island, NY where he was a conference champion and a 3x NCAA qualifier. Luke is entering his 9th year coaching in Hastings. He has spent the previous 8 years as the head youth coach and will now be an assistant coach with the high school program. Luke came back to coach in Hastings because of his love for the K-12 program. His favorite thing about coaching in Hastings is the people he has been able to work with over the last few years. Luke favorite moment from coaching in Hastings has been the everyday grind in the wrestling room with all the kids. He is excited to see our kids strive to achieve great things. 


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